Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Pluto is Great Because he is in a Class by Himself

When Pluto was discovered about a century ago there was much excitement about it.  People thought it was the greatest planet being the slowest, furthest, latest planet in the solar system. Some astrologers built great theories of evolutionary astrology centered on Pluto. He was labeled the ‘Lord of the Underworld’ in western astrology and ‘Yama Raj’ (meaning the same thing) in Vedic astrology. 

However, at the turn of the millennium, a second body, Eris, was discovered within the region of Pluto. This created much confusion and debates about Pluto’s status. Various tags have been slapped on Pluto since then; Minor planet, Dwarf planet, TNO etc.  The debate still goes on and is not likely to end in our lifetime.

Here is why. Pluto is UN-CLASSIFIABLE.  You cannot lump him in with any other group as he is one of a kind. He does not neatly fit into any criteria of classification.

Pluto has following characteristics which sets him apart from others.

1.       Pluto is not alone, it has a smaller twin; Charon
It is also called a planetary binary system. No other major body in our solar system has a twin though many have moons. A moon is a satellite body that orbits a planet.  On the contrary a binary body dances around in tandem with another body with neither orbiting the other. They both orbit a moving spot located in the empty space between them. Pluto is paired with Charon in such a manner. So the problem: Pluto seems to have a moon but it is not a moon!

2.        Pluto crosses Neptune’s Orbit
Pluto’s orbit is not always beyond that of Neptune. Once in every 248 years he crosses into Neptune’s orbit for a stay of 20 years. During this period Pluto becomes the 8th body in the solar system before Neptune. So the problem: Pluto seems to be 9th planet but it is sometimes 8th!

3.       Pluto has not cleared its neighborhood space
This was the pivotal criteria which caused Pluto to be demoted.  Pluto hangs out among a lot of planetary dust and debris in a disk beyond Neptune; the kuiper belt. But then some argued that no other planet has cleared its neighborhood completely either; if they did there would be no nomadic-visitor-like comets and centaurs ping-ponging between major planets.  So the problem: Pluto is a planet but it is not!

4.       Pluto is trying to get into inner realms of the solar system
Most Comets and asteroids are believed to have originated somewhere in the Kuiper belt where Pluto is. Asteroid Ceres is believed to have originated in the Kuiper belt as she appears to be made of same stuff as Pluto. It then perhaps means that objects in the kuiper belt are fringe dwellers of our solar system who are constantly trying to get in to the inner realms. By that premise, asteroid Ceres and Centaurs are those who have succeeded in that quest of getting in. This could explain why Pluto periodically intrudes into Neptune’s orbit. So the problem: Pluto has his own place-in-the-sun but it could also be a potential invader; the greatest cosmic invader!

5.       Pluto could be an ejected/disowned moon of Neptune
All major outer planets are giant gaseous bodies whereas their moons are much smaller rocky, icy bodies. Neptune is a large gaseous body and Pluto is a tiny icy body right orbiting close to each other. Pluto may have been a moon/satellite of Neptune which got propelled further due to gravitational tugs called ‘perturbations’. So the problem: Pluto is a disowned moon; maybe may not!

If we even try to define Pluto we could only come up with ‘Un-definable’.  There is no other object like it. He is in a class by himself. He is a kind of a divine maverick here to tell us earth dwellers something unique. Therefore, my vote goes to Pluto as the greatest object of all. His influence in astrology should never be undermined but rather be enthroned as central.

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