Sunday, November 5, 2017

Moon Wobbles can be as Strong as Eclipses

There is a transiting ‘Moon Wobble’ effect coming up on 11th November 2017.  Following criteria constitute a moon wobble effect.

a)      The sun is always in square aspect the nodal axis
b)      The moon is always in a hard aspect to the nodal axis (conjunct, opposite or square)
c)       Therefore the moon will be a new moon, waxing quarter moon, full moon or waning quarter moon, in relation to the sun.
d)       There will be two moon wobbles in a year spaced 6 months apart, at the mid-point between two eclipse seasons.

A moon wobble is a super charged new, quarter or full moon in hard aspect to the nodes. Its effects can be as strong as that of an eclipse if and when it is also aspected by an outer planet simultaneously.  
It is well established that hard aspects are significant and that luminaries are significant. But what is often overlooked is the significance of the quarter moon; when the moon squares the sun. A regular quarter moon can in fact be as powerful as a full moon or new moon if it is also hard aspected by  outer planets.

The upcoming wobble on the 11th of November 2017, will be when the moon transits the Leo north node while squaring the Scorpio sun. It will be a ‘waning quarter moon’.  

See where these wobbles hit in your chart. If they do hard aspect any of your natal planets, particularly personal planets, know that you may be impacted more than a regular full moon or new moon. If another transiting planet is aspecting the wobble, and serving it with a side, then be doubly alert.

Here are the upcoming moon wobble dates and degrees for the next 5 years.

Wobble Type
Degrees impacted**
Wobble strongly aspected by
11 Nov 2017
Waning quarter moon  
18 fixed

30 Apr 2018
Full moon  
09 fixed
24 Oct 2018
Full moon
01 fixed
Uranus, Venus
13 Apr 2019
Waxing quarter moon
22 cardinal
Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Pluto
06 Oct 2019
Waxing quarter moon
12 cardinal
24 Mar 2020
New moon
03 cardinal

17 Sep  2020
New moon
24 mutable
Pluto, Saturn
06 Mar 2021
Waning quarter moon
15 mutable

30 Aug 2021
Waxing quarter moon
07 mutable
16 Sep 2022
Full moon
27 fixed
*Adjust dates for your time zone                                                     **  Use an orb of no more than 2 degrees

If you would like to get a personalized reading of your chart write to;          


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